Welcome to Romoda Art
The contours are transposed into a colored cosmos in which the moment may not exist as well as time. An interesting contrast of time exists where every moment is transformed into an intimate endless limitation. I wanted to focus more on Heroes that are not tangible in just one dimension. Sometimes Heroes are in the shadows waiting. Some Heroes are not popular and friendly. Heroes are all around us, some even do not know they will become and you never want to be considered one of them. Night observers are everywhere, but if the world is over, and we continue to remember it, I do not think that's true. We should acknowledge that our world is never condemned to failure, that it has a future because we are still able to revive and awaken the past moment and give it a new opportunity. One world will never be one, there will be always other worlds which mixes heroes with real people. But the real answer is that we are all a few heroes who survive, regardless of the murder of own undercover personalities who threaten and clearly report death to the ego. But not complete. There is always the one who is waiting for you, maybe on another planet to get to know yourself - you.